2015 Exhibitors & Partners
Check back for new additions to this year's exhibitors and partners.
American Deli
Bard Graduate Programs in Sustainability
Botanikal Metaphysical Boutique
Brooklyn Boy Scouts Troop 26
Brooklyn Public Library, Greenpoint Branch
Center for Educational Innovation
Coalition for Healthy School Food
ExxonMobil Environmental Sciences
Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park
Gazillion Bubble Show, Stomp, 39 Steps
Greenpoint Community Environmental Fund
Greenpoint Veterinary Hospital
GreeNYC - Mayor's Office of Sustainability
HealthPlus Amerigroup
Healthy Lifestyle - Inside & Out
Jewelry by Wendy
Los Sures
M.S. 330 The School for the Urban Environment
Neighbors Allied for Good Growth
Newtown Creek Group
North Brooklyn Development Corporation
NYC Compost Project hosted by Brooklyn Botanic Garden
NYC Department of Sanitation, Bureau of Recycling
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Open Space Alliance for North Brooklyn
P.S. 23 Carter C. Woodson Elementary School
P.S. 31 Samuel F. Dupont Elementary School
P.S. 34 Oliver H. Perry Elementary School
P.S. 84/ M.S. 84 Jose De Diego Magnet School
Puerto Rican Family Institute Brooklyn Headstart
Williamsburg Movement And Arts Center